A robot’s view on traveling – Part 6: Rotterdam

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 6: Rotterdam

“A wandering fool, that’s me. Yesterday I experienced a setback and today I can’t seem to think straight. BOINK. It went like that. I had almost finalized my plans to go on a city trip to Madrid, but then real life happened. Travel restrictions, banned destinations, the world on lock-down?

So now I am wandering the streets of Rotterdam, both admiring the architecture and laughing out loud at some of the building designs. It is interesting to see what humans can come up with when you let them. We would never suggest such impractical designs. I’d maximize living space and functionality instead of eye candy. I mean, beauty is so very subjective, how would I ever make something that appeals to all humans. It is however possible to make it the best building ever from a usage perspective.

I understand that many residents of Rotterdam prefer low rising buildings so they can still see the sky. Why they want to see the sky in the grey gloomy winters is beyond me, but I will accept the wishes of people with stronger feelings about this matter than me. They should see the space inside my head…

Around the Blaak subway station, they built the Cube Houses, Market Hall, Blaak Tower and Central Library of Rotterdam. I rest my case. I can’t be the only one who mentally tries to fit all these buildings inside a Cube Puzzle. Rotate the Market Hall and throw all the Cube Houses inside. Turn the Blaak Tower upside down and use it as a stake to ground the Market Hall. 

Flood the Blaak Square and the Central Library will simply float off like a ship set free. It can then dock next to the Erasmusbrug and eventually sail back and forth to New York with Hotel New York as its home base. It can alternate trips with the new Boijmans van Beuningen Spaceship annex Depot when it gets launched in 2021.

My spirit still hurts from the plans that will never be. No day trips to Toledo or Salamanca, no extra museum visits. As soon as I wipe the plans from my memory the burden will be gone. But I can’t let go yet. I’ll keep dreaming a little bit longer, at least until the day I was supposed to fly there. When I look at the rainy weather outside I will hide in the sunny corner of my mind called Madrid. There I will wander and wander until Boijmans van Beuningen 2021 beams me up.

Together we will visit Mars.”

A robot's view on traveling - part 1
A robot's view on traveling - part 1

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