Tag: Elsewhere books

Most interesting and engaging books of 2021

What are the best new books in 2021? And how about surprisingly good older gems? A year of reviewing books led me to some very engaging books.

Review: The Escapement by Lavie Tidhar

In The Escapement by Lavie Tidhar the Stranger is searching for the Flower of Heartbeat in a land of clowns… and people.

Interesting books set on mysterious, magical and absurd islands

Interesting books set on or featuring mysterious, magical and absurd islands that drag you into the most fascinating situations.

Review: Stronghold by Kesha Bakunin

Nothing lasts forever, but sometimes it lasts too long. Stronghold by Kesha Bakunin is a chronicle, spanning many years, rulers and societies.

Review: Popisho by Leone Ross

Leone Ross wrote a magical and sensual, yet down-to-earth story that only Popisho natives will fully understand. This is a story about love, addiction, and choices.