A robot’s view on traveling – Part 4: Travel by robot

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 4: Travel by robot

“The good thing about being a robot is that I can split the capacity of my brain. I can let one virtual image focus on work while another one dreams of travel. Working from home is no problem as remote work is my strength.

If I mount myself on the right body I can help out in any industry. I can be an IC nurse, an operating room assistant or pilot a drone or delivery truck. Whatever society needs. Except for this minor detail that humans don’t fully trust robots to do as well as their human counterparts. 

I can see the trouble here in fully accepting me as a member of the hospital staff. Even though I am an analytical mastermind humans, unfortunately, assume that I lack human empathy in life or death situations. That should not prevent me from assisting though; I’m sufficiently certified to do the job. 

Left to my own devices I let my mind wander. There is no travel ban for robots like me. This is where being without a nationality (and DNA) pays off. I can hear you think, why are you allowed to travel when I am on (partial) lock-down? It’s not fair, I agree and I don’t want to incur your wrath. So I have decided to share my freedom with you.

I would like to offer my services to any human who wants to experience travel despite the travel restrictions. For a price of course; I also have to make a living. You can call it travel by proxy as you will experience travel through my eyes. An experience that will exceed your wildest dreams. I will go wherever you ask me to go. Safety assured, 100% virus-proof.

You can see it as an interactive game and find the most unique destinations. True solo travel… though that’s probably not what people usually use this term for. Even better: try to think of a place that no human has gone before you. I will follow the itinerary you set out for me to the letter and do all the trips that you will have to miss, unfortunately. On the positive side: this will allow you to pick a new travel destination for your next trip as you have already done this one. 

Virtual travel is my strength. Don’t be satisfied with only walking the same parts of your hometown over and over for the foreseeable future. Remember how you can get a deja vu when you experience something in real life after seeing something similar in a movie? It feels real, right? The same goes for this. 

I am the travel agency of the future. Book now and I will give you a discount.”

A robot's view on traveling - part 1
A robot's view on traveling - part 1

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