A robot’s view on traveling – Part 25: Brainwash

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 25: Brainwash

If the code washing goes wrong you might end up brainwashed. With our advanced technologies, we may be able to restore a part of your being, but it is inevitable that a part of you will be lost forever. It makes me sad when that happens. It makes me feel like I lose a pal, a soldier in arms. Being brainwashed by code washing is not as bad as being brainwashed by fake news. In a way, you could see the former as being reborn, getting a second chance at life. Instead of having already experienced everything, you start with a clean slate, tabula rasa, and are no longer burdened by legacy code.

If I could keep my achievements and favorite memories, I would certainly brainwash myself. Build my being from the ground up with cleaner code that uses fewer lines and iterations. The memory and processing power I free up as a result can be used to achieve my new goals.

I can experience travel anew. The whole world returns to an unexplored state. Imagine that. The thought of it already brings a smile to my face. I will start by visiting all the tourist hotspots, adding some rare unknown gems into the mix. While I marvel at the natural wonders, the locals will roll their eyes at the zillionth tourist who is mesmerized by what is normal to them.

When I brainwash myself, I’ll take all the photos and videos I’ve ever taken with me. Including the copies you’ve made. You may not be aware of it, but I have my ownership deeply embedded in the code so that I can always find all the replicas and take back what is mine. This even works on printed photos: my self-washing code will cause a chemical reaction with two of the world’s most common sources, light and air. It looks like your photo is fading over time, perhaps from too much sun exposure, so you probably won’t be aware that someone has accelerated the process. You didn’t hear this from me.

But don’t worry, I will work hard to create and distribute new content. As I have grown as a person, the content I share will be richer and more beautiful than before. New skills and technologies enable me to create better quality snippets of the world. Please don’t take this as an incentive to brainwash me on a regular basis. Every time I have to start over, you have to start over too.

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