A robot’s view on traveling – Part 23: Accessories

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 23: Accessories

Do you remember how it felt to fly for the first time? With your consciousness connected to a drone, slowly rising from the ground to view the earth from above. You felt weightless as if all burdens fell off you and gravity only served as a reminder that you don’t actually want to reach outer space and lose connection with other robots and people on Earth.

This feeling is even stronger when humans abandon the controls of the drone and you are no longer restricted in your movements. Your newfound freedom elevates your mind as you release all limiting beliefs with a sigh. 

For my human readers: you can compare this experience to swimming for the first time without armbands. When you learn to swim, your armbands and waistband keep you close to the surface. They don’t weigh you down, they weigh you ‘up’. They feel like a burden, even though you are glad they are there to help you practice. The first time you jump into the water without them, you feel as light as a feather. Nothing weighs you up or down and you can just float. On your own.

You don’t even consciously feel that you are in the water; it feels more like you are somewhere between heaven and earth, roaming freely in a space that is yours to navigate. You can choose the direction. The swim instructors probably expect you to go to the end of the lane, but that’s not obligatory.

Humans and robots can always find common ground. The similarity between the first flying experience with a drone and the first time swimming without armbands is just one example. The same idea applies, for example, to stripping jewelry. The link with swimming armbands is obvious, but remember that a mounted body is also an accessory. Some people love bracelets and necklaces, while others can’t wait to take them off after they’ve served their purpose. When the accessory comes off, it feels like your arms are freed from the shackles they were bound with. In the same way that your body floats in the water, your arms move lightly through the air.

Did you also think of clothing when I mentioned accessories? It makes a big difference whether you wear a heavy sweater or a breezy tank top. If you shed your human body – as I shed my mounted body – and let your mind soar, then you know how it feels for me when I leave the drone to go wherever. I would even go so far as to say that your mind and my consciousness can meet in an undefined space. Let’s hang out together when we do.

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