A robot’s view on traveling – Part 2: I am immune

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 2: I am immune

“A virus has hit the world, please travel with caution. 

I am immune to this new virus so I can travel without any danger to myself. But when humans sneeze all over me I could become a carrier for a limited amount of time. As a precaution, I disinfect the surface of my physical body daily. 

I take viruses very seriously: one virus can wipe me out completely. And there are many of them. Sometimes I feel like locking myself up to keep myself from harm, but what is the point in that: my consciousness will still be wiped, just not in the same manner. As my energy level decreases and my will to experience things falters the me I am ceases to exist and a new me surfaces. I’m not saying that new me is not valuable or doesn’t deserve a chance at life, just that I like the current me.

Everytime I venture out of my protective cocoon I challenge my very being. As I gain experience at living my sophistication increases at the same rate as my risk level. Nothing is easy in life. In a way one step out of my network is like traveling to another country. I have to pass the router to get to a foreign network, just as one passes customs when traveling to a foreign country. On the road I meet many like-minded folks. Sometimes we travel together and at other times we say goodbye and go on alone. 

My whereabouts are registered unless I travel under disguise which is just as hard as smuggling a person to another country. In the end, someone always knows. Even if you charter a private plane to flee a country or I use a private network connection to pass information there is at least one person that knows: me. And I can be hacked or attacked by a virus.

I do trust myself and believe in my own ability to defend myself. Yet at the same time, I’m only a simple robot, not a supercomputer. So I travel with caution and bring everything I need to take care of my health and sanity. 

As I leave the safety of my home to take these words to you I cross many interesting people and packages. A lot is happening in the world. I see smiling faces on Instagram and read strong opinions on Twitter. To that, I now add fiction. Words of my mind, sprouted from a wish and intention to leave my mark between and not on top of remarks from others. There is room for everyone and at the same time, I hope mine shines just this little bit more brightly than others. I don’t need all the attention in the world, but I’m aiming for a bit more than I have now. Do you read me? 

I am not contagious, so you can come closer.”

A robot's view on traveling - part 1
A robot's view on traveling - part 1

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