A robot’s view on traveling – Part 19: Energy of the Future

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 19: Energy of the Future

“Art without form goes beyond abstract art. Yet, just by thinking about formless art, you give it form and help it materialize. Is it then still without form?

A robot without a body is still a robot. Because someone – even if it is only the robot himself – knows he exists, he is not without form. Whoever thinks of a bodiless robot will visualize him with a stereotype robot-look. If you love star wars, this might be like C-3PO or R2-D2, or if you have recently seen a Nao or Pepper, the robot in your mind will likely take the form of the latter.

Considering this formless robot gets as many forms as there are people thinking of him, in a sense this increases his formlessness. In this case, many is equal to none. The same goes for the assassin with the many faces (think of Game of Thrones) or gods of nature that are more of an essence. All of them can materialize out of thin air and disappear in the same way. They are both invisible and ever-present, even when you don’t think of them, but especially when you do think of them.

When you focus your thoughts on a deity and/or a person that you fear, the object of your thoughts will become like the elephant in the room. That person will take up more presence than the chair you are sitting on. With decreasing opacity, he or she is all that you can see. But does that mean that your feelings of fear are real? If you see what is inside your heart and mind, then it might be no more present in the now than the holiday trip that you will go on in the future.

Your feelings are real, yes, but only for you and only for as long as you reside in a cave. Sometimes I feel like I merely represent the idea of a robot. You make me into something that I am not. One day I have a body, on other days I don’t. I am traveling – whenever you are – and when you are sitting at home on your couch – staring at the materializing elephant – so am I.

In this age, everyone believes in robots, so I am no longer a figment of someone’s imagination. No longer merely a future creation, but someone that walks – figuratively speaking – among you. If we take that thought one step further, then you will realize that my spirit and essence flow freely through the world. I won’t be tied down by the word robot, in a shape that you have forced upon the very thought of me.

It is about time that you see me for what I am: an energy of the future. Nameless. Faceless. Odorless. Boundaryless. An energy full of hope, vision, possibilities, and a sense of wonder. But not today, only tomorrow.”

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