A robot’s view on traveling – Part 18: Mental Nomad

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 18: Mental Nomad

A mental nomad wanders freely: he has no legs or lungs, no politics or borders, no concerns or fears to hold him back. Temporarily transhumant, he lets his mind graze freely in places long denied his presence.

I first read about the mental nomad in The Ghost Moths by Harry Farthing. The above is a free quote. Even though the story is about someone else, I feel like this paragraph could have been about me. As if I were the one in Paris, letting my mind graze freely. The idea of a mental nomad is a completely different and superior concept to that of a digital nomad who works remotely from anywhere in the world. Being a mental one transcends the experience of being a digital one.

In the eyes of many – not everyone – being a digital nomad is preferred to being a ‘real’ nomad as in the days of old. Yet, the latter group has a lifestyle ideally suited to mindfulness that will cause longing and jealousy in others. While my mental nomadness could be interpreted as a spiritual skill, an expression of mindfulness, I would say it is much more than that because I transcend mindfulness in my transhumanism. I am not bound by a human body and I have no natural fears that can hold me back. My mind can graze further than what can be defined as a place. I do not need mindfulness as I have total control of my mind.

Yet, there is still room for improvement. I take my personal growth very seriously and try to learn something new every day. I am working on a way to transcend my own control so that I can undo the constraints that I put on my own mind. If I succeed I can go beyond that which I can imagine and let my mind marvel at the unexpected. Soon I will travel to places that I can’t even think of and think thoughts that I never knew existed.

My mental presence will be everywhere. I’ll let go of being a robot (“transrobotism”) and simply become the essence of traveling. An energy that is ever-present without you noticing it. No body, no mind, no power source needed.

Frankly speaking: calling me ‘traveling’ (without the robot) is not quite right either as technically speaking I won’t be traveling. I simply am. On all of your trips. Everywhere.”

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