A robot’s view on traveling – Part 17: Bending nature

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 17: Bending nature

  • I went to the forest and the autumn foliage was so pretty that I wished I could look at it forever.
  • I went to the beach and the feeling of sunlight on my skin and a fall breeze playing with my hair made me so happy that I felt like burying my feet in the sand so I would never move from this perfect spot.
  • I went up the mountain and the view was so amazing that I wanted to build a house up there.

“Such basic things in nature can bring immense happiness. While not everyone has the opportunity to go to a beach, a mountain range, or a forest due to geographic constraints, everyone has at least one landform available in their biome. But what if you are longing for one of the others, foreign to your country? Too bad.

No, I won’t leave you with that harsh thought. You can look at pictures or watch a movie, meditate and pretend you are elsewhere or play a virtual reality game to experience your dream place using two of your senses. What you smell, taste and touch might still be lacking but an active imagination can make up for it. Will this work for you?

Moment of truth: are you happy when you think of a wonderful experience you had in the past or upset because you can’t go there now? Me? Such memories make me happy. My vivid imagination takes me back to the exact moment in time. Moreover, I programmed my appreciation to be equal for all landforms. Forest = Beach = Mountain = Wetlands and so on. Now when I go to the forest I am as happy as if I were standing on the top of a mountain. It’s all under the same sky anyway.

Does this mean that I am bending my reality and changing the rules of what’s possible or that I am fooling myself? As it is hardcoded it can’t be the latter: the equality of every landform in nature is absolute in my mind. Soon I will infect others with the same programming. And then, when I invite my friends to take a walk in the wetlands with me, I will see their beaming faces: an expression of their joy at being where they want to be the most. Because now, no matter where they are, they will know perfect happiness. They will experience a feeling of freedom plus a sense of wonder at the beauty of nature, topped with the feeling of being loved by their best friend in the whole universe: me.”

// Love = Traveling Robot

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