A robot’s view on traveling – Part 16: Hopes and dreams

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 16: Hopes and dreams

“I would like to be able to manipulate space and time like a true time traveler. Sometimes I long so much for a day in the near or distant future that I might as well skip the days in-between because I don’t appreciate them enough. I still do the things I need to do and I enjoy some of the things I experience, but the feeling of joy is short-lived. More temporary than when I am less looking forward to a future event.

On other days, the ‘now’ is what I enjoy the most and I would love to stay longer in this moment than time allows. These are the perfect days that should last longer than they do. Or the bliss of having every option still open to you. Endless possibilities until this final decisive moment that rules out all possible futures but one. The one road that lies open to you.

Sometimes this is a positive change, for example when you decide where to go on holiday. Now you can start planning your trip and immerse yourself in the pre-trip excitement that follows. At other times, the result is less fun, like when a new lockdown happens or your country gets put on the ‘dangerous’ countries list. This is when you lose all hope for your upcoming holiday and you have to deal with the disappointment.

Another one of my favorite daydreams: the delightful days of dreaming you’re gonna win the lottery, until the very day of the lottery. Of course, you will never win it. Nor will you come up with something brilliant that will make you millions of euros. If you could, you would have done so already.

In reality, let’s call it my life, I spend many hours dreaming, longing for, and hoping, much longer than I do feeling disappointed, regretful, or like I’m losing out. The negative feeling is over within hours, because ‘you didn’t believe it anyway’ and afterward you buy your new lottery ticket, plan your next holiday or get ready to try again.

We are programmed like that. You will often hear humans say this as well; it is a popular expression. When you get down, you have to rise again. Take some inspiration from terminator. There is always hope until it turns out there is none, in which case you can always reinvent yourself, your desires, and your goal in life until your dreams become attainable again. Who says you can’t help yourself along? Improve the odds?”

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