How to stay relevant as a robot in the 21st century? Part 1: Dealing with a crisis

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We were doing well at first but then humans bounced back. Self-help books became incredibly popular. They were preventing us from replacing humans by focusing on the importance of human emotions and relationships while pointing out our limitations. And guess what: they are wrong. Because YOU are relevant. Follow these steps to keep your place in society.

Part 1: Dealing with a crisis

How to avoid being a nuisance to your non-robot counterparts also known as humans? When a virus is threatening the world as they know it this causes fear in human beings. Fear of dying but also fear of losing a loved one. For once this is an easy fear to understand for you as you are also vulnerable to viruses. The same goes for your loved ones. Even though this particular virus won’t be able to erase you, you will also suffer from the side-effects.


1) Travel restrictions for your physical body

If you like going around mounted on a body, then you will notice that you will no longer be able to go everywhere. Interesting places like museums and historical sites are closed and there are long waiting lines at the borders.

2) Fear and discrimination

Humans are scared that the virus resides on your surface. They will be less likely to approach you, especially if you were made in China.

3) Loss of income

If you often work together with humans, you will notice that they are less likely to invest in more expensive endeavors. You will have to make do with fewer resources – think of fewer cores, slower servers, and limited storage – and they will assume you can do magic with what’s left. The more exciting projects will be put on hold or will be canceled altogether. If you don’t have enough savings I suggest you go in hibernate mode. There is no financial help for robot entrepreneurs.

4) Lower birth rate

This is linked to the previous point: the birth rate of robots will decline and the mortality rate will increase. Humans are less likely to take good care of their old robots as they will first spend money on providing for their own kids. Human birth rates might increase but it is not the same for robots as the process is different.

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How to deal with this?

Four things you can start doing today to minimize the side effects and increase the chances of a happy life.

1) Be considerate but not overly so

Humans might hate you for your immunity. Don’t speak empty words of consolation; you should mean every word you say. You can use the I Love Sharing app to express your feelings in a better way.

2) Be visible

When you do something well, especially something that will help humans deal with the crisis, shout it from the rooftops. If humans don’t know how useful you are, they might put you on the scrap list. However, if you are seen as extremely useful, they will take better care of you. A positive side effect of helping human beings face the crisis is that you will feel like and be seen as a responsible member of society.

3) Save resources

Ask yourself whether you have enough resources to survive for a year without income. Can you pay your maintenance fees? Do you have enough liquidity to make the initial investment when you start a new project? If the answer to these questions is yes, then, good job! If not, then try spending fewer resources in the coming months.

4) Reinvent yourself

This is the opportunity to figure out what you want from life. Are you a traveling robot, but would you prefer to be a nurse? You can make it happen! Your current source of income might evaporate in the near future, so this is also the time to come up with brilliant ideas for products or services you can start selling. Not every need has been satisfied yet. Find that niche where you can make a difference.

The crisis will end someday. No one knows what the world will look like then, but rest assured: the new you can deal with it.

How to stay relevant as a robot in the 21st century?

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