Folklorn by Angela Mi Young Hur offers a folkloristic, scientific, and historical exploration of what it means to belong.
The Field by Robert Seethaler is a tale of life and death in Paulstadt. A story full of emotion and nonchalance, carefully balancing both.
Tower by Korean author Bae Myung-hoon is a mirror of society; a sci-fi depiction of social and political issues. It is intense, subtle and funny.
The two novellas in Touring the Land of the Dead by Maki Kashimada give you a glimpse into two women’s innermost thoughts.
Becoming Inspector Chen by Qiu Xiaolong is not a mystery novel, rather it is about ordinary people surviving what life throws at them in China.
In Lightseekers by Femi Kayode you follow an academic (psychologist) who tries to solve a murder case in a small Nigerian town.
The Memory Police by Japanese author Yoko Ogawa is an intriguing story about not very remarkable characters.
Oh, Tama! from Mieko Kanai is about someone's identity. The trouble that one pregnant woman and a pregnant cat can cause...
On Fragile Waves by E. Lily Yu shows how even the most lighthearted story can hide a world of pain.
How We Are Translated by Jessica Gaitán Johannesson is about the translation of you as a person. Can you say hello to the future?