
Boijmans van Beuningen Depot in Rotterdam
Boijmans van Beuningen Depot in Rotterdam offers you a unique experience: watch how artworks are preserved in a building that sparks your imagination.
Museum beelden aan zee
Beelden aan Zee is a museum with modern sculptures right next to the beach of Scheveningen in the Netherlands.
Netherlands Museum De Beeldenkas - mosaic sculpture
This greenhouse, filled with mosaic sculptures and paintings, will speak to your imagination. Prepare to wonder, gaze, and admire.
Boijmans Ahoy museum drive-thru with electric cars
The Boijmans van Beuningen museum drive-thru brings out your inner explorer. You can watch art from the safety of your electric car at Ahoy Rotterdam.
Daphne van der Meij exhibition at Op Hodenpijl
Colorful art, stained glass windows, and the splendor of a chapel: the paintings of Dutch artist Daphne van der Meij capture our feelings.
Best street art in Madrid, Spain
Where to find the best street art in Madrid, Spain? You can read all about it here (including locations!).
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam - Virtual Museum Tour
Even though the museums are closed, you can still visit many museums at home, from the couch. Find out about the best Dutch Virtual Museum Tours.
Digital Dutch Museum Week 2020
The Dutch Museum week 2020 will be very different from other years, as it will be 100% digital this year because of the coronacrisis.
Gallery WheretoKim: Cormorant from Norway
Fun things to do while staying at home during a lockdown because of the coronavirus: take a virtual tour of Pretend Art Gallery WheretoKim.
Seosomun Shrine History Museum in Seoul, South Korea
A building with an impressive design and brilliant use of space that makes the art on display many times more meaningful. You can see it for yourself at Seosomun Shrine History Museum in Seoul, South Korea.