A robot’s view on traveling – Part 11: My Special Place

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Join this traveling robot on his adventures. He thinks he has seen it all, but has he really?

Part 11: My Special Place

“I spent a quiet morning in the Broekpolder in Vlaardingen gazing at highland cattle. 

Just me and nature (humans and animals). The cattle must have noticed me and I think they’re secretly keeping an eye on me. I am not too close to them; I have amazing eyesight with zoom, but somehow the highland cattle manage to gaze back at me with regular eyes. I’m afraid they find me weird, though when I look at myself from a bird’s eye view I can’t see anything that draws attention.

My mounted body is perfectly ordinary. I am dressed, not in bright colors, just gray. I am not too big nor am I too small. I don’t resemble milk tanks in any way. Yet they seem to find me either offensive or dangerous, worthy of keeping an eye on. Their calves aren’t that young anymore so their stance is relaxed, but looks can be deceiving; they could be upon me any moment.

Because of the drought this spring the cow pats are completely dry, which is fortunate for those passing by. I am the only robot visitor this early in the morning. On my walk I pass many humans, some walking with dogs, others running, or cycling. With my eye camera, I take pictures of my surroundings: new stock for google maps and my Shutterstock account.

The Broekpolder in Vlaardingen looks vastly different from when I last came here in winter. Flowers are blooming and the off-beat paths near the bird watching shelter are overgrown with nettles and other plants. The bushes provide shelter from the sun that is already strong at 9 AM. 

It will be a good day, but I will have to make sure I don’t overheat. Overheating in the Dutch climate is not very dangerous (the heat never lasts), but I don’t like the slightly uncomfortable feeling it gives me. It forces me to function at 30% of my ability. Imagine taking three times as long to read this… or me still writing the ending when you’ve almost read all of the available text. Or having to watch pictures that are only partly sharp, aside from the intended background blur.

Even though I am very familiar with the views of the Broekpolder, I keep coming back to this place. It doesn’t excite me as much as traveling to a new destination or exploring new places does, yet knowing that not many robots have ever been here or know this place exists, makes it special. It’s mine to explore.

And I know the best parking spot.”

A robot's view on traveling - part 1
A robot's view on traveling - part 1

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